Saturday, February 5, 2011

I'm Back!

Decided to start posting again. I wanna get people's view points on religion. I am figuring out what I believe on certain things. I only have one firm belief: Jesus is my best friend and I've never felt more alive than when I worship Him.

But check this out. This is a comment I read on a website. I don't know how to react to stuff like this. Not yet at least. Tell me what you think.

"I'm not ruling out the existence of a greater force that had a metaphorical hand in existence, but the religion concept is completely ridiculous. For one thing, most religions can be traced back to a previous one. For example, Christianity has roots in paganism (ironic, no?). Also, we have fossils, undeniable proof of evolution, which rules out all beliefs that there is a god who caters to the needs and punishes the wrongdoings of exclusively the human race. Finally, is there really any evidence of his influences on earth? Quoting the movie End of Days: Something good happens, it is god's will. Something bad happens, he moves in mysterious ways. The men of the cloth can make an excuse for everything, but they are just in extreme denial. If you think about it, they based a whole religion based on a book. A BOOK. For all they know, some psycho way back before their time took a novel out of proportion. As I said before, I do believe that we are not here on our own, but it is infuriating that so many people waste so much of their limited time on earth worshiping a nonexistent entity."

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I have a bunch of band shirts I'm selling. Lemme know if you're interested! Also i have some other shirts, just like button ups and stuff. If you know anyone who's interested lemme know... Trav and Hunter... haha. Since you're the only ones who check this blog...


There's no person on google named Barracuda... I looked EVERYWHERE. There's a lady with the last name but none with the first name. That's quite stupid.


Have you ever been typing and you're just looking at your fingers and then you look up at the screen and realize that during this fantastic experience of staring at fingers you opened a new screen, searched for something you were typing, and ordered 30 grams of pot from a man named Barracuda? Well that pretty much just happened to me. Except most of that didn't happen to me at all. I noticed right away and closed the tab. Actually, the tab is still open... I wonder if there is actually a man named Barracuda out there... Google here I come.

Avoiding School

I think I'm going to post like 10 posts to catch up with all the blogs I've missed. I'm also avoiding school. Which is probably why I don't have time to work out. Because I'm constantly doing the opposite of what I planned to be doing.

Working out

You know what I hate? People who tell OTHER people that they need to work out more often. Like I'm a pretty small guy. But I just really don't care. I have no intentions of running in the olympics or becoming a porn star because herpes just isn't the way for me. Sorry Megan Fox. I know you want some of this. hahahaha. But seriously, working out is cool for some people. But if you're someone like me who has enough to do and doesn't want to listen to people talk about how they can lift me up, then you know I'd rather write a song than work out. Not saying I won't ever work out. But in this chapter of my epic, I'm simply not interested in giving a shit about that stuff.... I'm fighting a dragon. Leave me alone. Douche.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


I think I want a different blog for every aspect of my life. I want this blog for stupid stuff, my music blog, a Christian blog, a blog about food that I like. Oh, it's going to happen. It just seems like there's never enough time in my day to blog anymore. So i want to make a blog about making time in my day. Then i'll make a worship/ youth group blog. And then I'll make a facebook blog where people will blog about what they're blogging about on facebook. I'll make a good movies blog. And an INDIE blog... best idea yet. I'll make a site full of blogs. Now to just find time to live the rest of my life as well.... hmm...