Tuesday, August 10, 2010


I just wanna let people who will ever read this blog know where I stand on the topic of abortion. That shit is messed up. Pardon my french. But I really feel strongly about this. I can't stand the thought of someone taking an innocent life. I don't like murder. But the fact that it is a tiny baby just blows my mind. I don't know how doctors sleep at night after doing that stuff. What is the most innocent and cute thing in the world? A baby something! Dog, giraffe, HUMAN... it doesn't matter... Would people respond better to this problem if it were kittens and animal cruelty? Honestly, I think they would. I'm not trying to be a major downer of a blogger. But this is kind of a serious topic that I feel very passionately about.

So here's the deal. Go to http://abort73.com/...... now.... and buy an awesome shirt or something to support them. They're an amazing group doing amazing things. Oh and don't kill babies cuz God will hurt you...


  1. When you said the thing about kittens it reminded me of a bumper sticker I saw the other day. You know how the big animal people have the bumper stickers that have a person on them and the caption says like "Save the baby seals" and crap like that? Well this bumper sticker had a seal on it and it said "Save the baby HUMANS". I thought that was an awesome bumper sticker because so many people are so concerned about the baby animals around the world and don't even give a second thought when thousands of innocent baby HUMANS are being MURDERED every day. Just thought I would throw this comment in. Love the blog by the way.

  2. So I know this blog post is like superrr old, but I agree completely! And your blog posts are freakin awesome. Just so ya know. You should get a Tumblr, because I would totally follow you!
