Sunday, August 1, 2010

I really feel convicted to reach out to Christians. I'm not sure why. But it's like all of a sudden hitting me that sometimes the real problem with religion is the followers themselves. Like a few people at my work who claim to be Christians but I just don't see it. I know why I have this job now. I'm supposed to just live as an example to them. I mean that's really it. Not like conservative and stuff. And not being like, "Well you know you shouldn't say "fuck" you'll burn in hell for eternity... you sinner." I just want to be really chill. And sort of easy to talk to. Because I know there's people there who just need to talk. So that's what I'm doing. Sorry, today's entry is a little more on the serious side. But I never said I wouldn't have serious ones. And on that note, if you do read this and are extremely offended, I have a very dry and sarcastic sense of humor. So don't be such a douche.... Gosh.


  1. Thats really great man, you are great to talk to. PS, I love how your posts end with insulting the reader haha.

  2. Thanks man! :)Yeah it's become my signature thing. ;)

  3. Its totally you lol.:->
