Sunday, July 18, 2010

Damn Twizzlers

So here's the deal. I decided to go into a gas station to pick up some 5 hour energy for a first time try because I am so tired today. So I go in there and walk around a little bit. And I'm not sure why, but no matter the situation gas stations tend to seem like a little slice of heaven. Like a whole different world separate for the one we daily live in. There's a whole section of "on the go stuff," like a little bottle of ibuprofen or some mini toothbrushes for mouth emergencies. Then there's the food. So much food. It's so awful for you. It's like, "Eat me I look healthy but actually give you cancer!" So here's what I'm getting to: As I'm perusing through the food isles, I suddenly see a stand that says 2 for 2 king size candy! Now I'm a man who loves my candy. And then it happened. I got a sudden craving for Twizzlers. I wasn't in the least bit hungry when I walked in. But at that moment my body was screaming Twizzlers. I walked over, picked up a pack, and headed to the front. The lady then said, "You've gotta get 2 in order to get the deal, honey." A bubble of excitement then began to form... So many king sized candies... I couldn't decide! So I went with skittles, my second favorite distant only to Sour Patch Kids (R). Then my head goes... wait I'll need something to drink. So I grabbed a water. Then I grabbed a pomegranate flavored 5 hour energy on the way up to the cash register. So what should've been about 2.50 ended up being about six bucks. I blame my stomach. You evil, evil thing you. And this, children, is how I waste money. The end.

PS. If you ever think about getting 5 hour energy just know that it has a simply disgusting aftertaste. But after about 5 twizzlers and some water to wash them all down, it'll go away. And so far, I feel no more energized than I was 30 minutes ago.

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