Thursday, July 8, 2010

THE people

Okay. There's a certain group of people that bug the crap out of me. It's the literal and ignorant. Not the literal people and the ignorant people. The literal, ignorant people. Here's what I mean. So let's say I post a facebook status with song lyrics like... IDK.... the Manchester song, "I've got friends." My status says, "I've got friends in all the right places. I know what they want and I know they don't want me to stay." Now here's what a literal, ignorant person would comment on that status: "Wow, you should hang out with better friends...they sound mean." HARDY FREAKIN HAR HAR! Lemme let you in on a little secret... if the status doesn't make sense to you... don't comment on it. You'll end up just sounding like a silly brained person and just irritate that person and the people who read the status and know what it means. Oh, you know who you are.... Don't give me that little smirk... you know EXACTLY who you are...  That person that likes to get a rise out of people by saying something very confusing or stupid... You KNOW who you are.... And I'll get you... don't you forget it.. Watch your back... One of these days... I'll comment on a status off yours... and you'll never know what'll happen when I do... So all of you who are so literally ignorant, Please, at least use your ignorance to act like you know you're ignorance is literally ignorant ignorance. Please and thank you.

P.S. I'm almost positive none of that made sense. But I don't care.


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